Thursday, 12 October 2017

An Uneventful Day...

...but a good day just the same. I did go out to play lots of times but I had a good look round before I went outside in case that very naughty puss had comed back into my territory, but it wasn’t there, so I was able to enjoy myself without having to fight for it!

It is still lovely and quiet in my house although I did hear the old dear asking my DH if he would take the vacuum cleaner out tomorrow, so it won’t be as quiet then. However, I have had lots of quiet days so one busy one will be ok by me.

I’m afraid I have been making my MH do a lot of her ‘ooff’ noises again ‘cos sometimes when she is lying on her bed making her new knee do all its exercises, I sort of leap from the doorway and sort of land on her tummy and that’s when she makes that funny noise.

I think she likes it really!

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