Saturday, 15 May 2021

Sad Squeak


I am a wee bit sad just now ‘cos I had a very upsetting experience a few days ago and it has taken me until now to be able to tell you all about it.

I haven’t been going outside too much because I have been looking after my MH who isn’t very well just now, but the other day was a fine day and the old dear told me to go and play and do pussycat things and so oft I went.

I went down into the big shed where the nice farmer man keeps all his tractors and tools and things ‘cos I love exploring there and sniffing lots of lovely smells, but it was there that I became a bit trapped ‘cos a great big bird ( well it was BIG to me!) comed to where I was sitting and every time I tried to go home it dive bombed me and I was frightened......lots frightened ‘cos I don’t like birdies when they do that. I could hear my humans calling for me and that made me sad ‘cos I knew they were worried about me.


But knew there was a ‘but then’ didn’t you? Or I wouldn’t be telling you this! Hee hee .....But then my DH comed into the big shed and he saw me hiding in the corner and he saw the big birdie and he chased it away and tooked me home. I was a very happy little Squeak and you all know what I got when my MH saw me?

Yep, millions of cuddles! Happy, happy Squeak.

Sunday, 2 May 2021

Rebel Puss

There has not been very much happening on my beloved little island and I have been a rather lazy little puss, and I have been sleeping lots, but I have also been a wee bit of a rebel..... just to amuse myself, you understand. You see, I know the habits of my humans so well, and that lets me able to do this. See?

The first one is with my DH at his bedtime. Me and my MH go to bed earlier than him and I stay with the old dear until she puts out her light and then I go back into my living room where the old boy is watching television. I sit there until he gets up to switch everything off  before he goes to bed and then I ask if I can go out please and will he open the window... which he does, although he is not very happy about it! Hee hee I don't stay out too long, though.

The other rebel bit is with my dear old MH and I know I shouldn't and I will stop.... sometime! The poor old dear has a very sore back and she has to use a trolley thing with wheels when she is walking and I do not like this at all .... Not one little bit!

So, when she starts to go somewhere, I do what I saw peoples on my television doing.... I lie down in front of her and she gets a wee bit very annoyed with me. Oh dear. She says if I keep doing this she will run over me and cut off my adorable little tail! I could end up a decapitated little Squeak!!!
