I have been out playing ALL day and it is super. It is nice and warm and it is not raining so I am happy. I have been helping my DH to fix up the honeysuckle bush which was getting a wee bit 'weedy', so we have cleaned it all up now.
I have been lying in the long grass just listening to all the birds calling to me, and then I chased the daisies and pounced on them when I needed some exercise. My humans just leave the door open for me so I can nip in for something to eat and a wee drink whenever I feel like it, and it lets me check that the humans are OK without me. So it is a good day today and the picture shows me at the edge of my jungle just about to spring into attack mode, although what I am attacking hasn't been decided yet!
Here is the next chapter of my adventure story.
Chapter 6
The following day was warm and sunny, so Sammy, Squeak and Henry met at their special place and Squeak told them that she had invited Diggory as well. Sammy and Henry weren't sure that this was the right thing to do, but decided to give Diggory a chance.
Two or three minutes later they saw Diggory bounding through the long grass towards them and for a second all three felt a bit nervous, but as soon as Diggory said
"Good afternoon, my friends" in his very polite voice, they all relaxed.
"Hello, Diggory" they chorused "how are you today?"
"I am exceedingly well and so delighted at your kind invitation to join you for the afternoon. I do thank you."
"What are we going to do to-day?" asked Sammy and Squeak said that she would like to do something different and go somewhere she hadn't been before.
"Well" said Diggory. "I often go the quarry after work for a swim. Perhaps you would like to go there?"
"Awesome!" said Squeak.
'Awesome' was her new word ever since she had heard it on the television and she had been standing in front of the mirror practicing how to say it: 'Awesome'; 'AWE-some'; 'awe-Some' Yes it was a good word she had decided.
So off they all went. Diggory out in front leading the way, Squeak following close by him and Sammy flying just above them, but they had only gone a few steps when Squeak suddenly stopped.
"Where's Henry?" she asked and when they turned round, they saw Henry standing watching them with a little tear running down his face.
"You go on without me" he said " as I only have little legs, I am very slow and I would never get there. See you later." And he turned to walk away.
"No way!" said Squeak "We don't go anywhere without our favourite pin cushion and if you can't go, we don't go. Isn't that right Sammy?" And Sammy Seagull quickly agreed.
"I may have a solution" offered Diggory. "If Sammy can lift Henry up on to my back, I can carry him and I promise I will be very, very careful."
Squeak and Sammy looked at Henry Hedgehog who was looking rather nervous, but he nodded his head and in a trice Sammy had very gently picked him up and put him on Diggory's back where he held on very, very tightly, but as Diggory trotted fairly slowly through the long grass, Henry began to relax and enjoy himself.
"Awesome" said Squeak as she ran beside them.
Soon they reached the quarry and Sammy again picked Henry up and put him gently on the ground where he began to sniff around for new things to eat. Suddenly there was a splash and when Squeak and Henry looked up, they saw Diggory swimming about in the water with Sammy Seagull splashing about beside him squawking with delight.
"Awesome" said Squeak. "What a shame cats don't swim or I would be in there too" Henry just nodded and said nothing!
So Squeak and Henry spent the time exploring this new wonderland and both were delighted to find things they had never seen before and Henry even found some new leaves to eat, so everybody was happy.
Soon it was time to go home and Henry was once again lifted up on to the back of a very wet Diggory and they all headed back to their jungle.
"That was the best day ever" said Henry. "Just magic!"
"Awesome" said Squeak, and they all laughed.