-----but it's not for me this time, it is for my MH 'cos she has bought herself a new camera and she has been busy playing with it all day. I am very tired now 'cos I have been posing for hours and hours and hours!
My MH said that it is a very powerful camera and it can almost see inside my little head to see what I am thinking! Now I am not sure if she is telling the truth or not, but every time she points that camera at me, I think lovely thoughts, just in case! It is lovely and warm today and more and more birds are arriving, so I have been spending as much time outside as possible and 'cos my MH has been playing with her camera, she has been coming out as well, so I like that, and it gives her a wee bit of exercise too!
I forgot to tell you yesterday that I had been weighed AGAIN! and I am still the same weight as last week, but a bit more adorable!
Since I haven't been doing anything too exciting, I shall now tell you chapter 5 of my story, so are you sitting comfortably? Here we go.
Chapter 5
"No! No! No!" squawked Sammy Seagull, while Henry Hedgehog was rolling around the ground with tears of laughter running down his face.
"Why not?" asked Squeak, somewhat annoyed at the reaction she had got to what she had thought was a simple question. She had finally plucked up enough courage to ask Sammy to teach her to fly.
"I don't know why you won't teach me. I'm sure I could do it."
"Dear, oh dear" giggled Henry, "you need wings before you can fly, and since you don't have wings, you can't fly. Simple!"
"I could flap my front paws VERY quickly--just like wings" said Squeak "watch this!" And she jumped up onto the ramp then onto the roof of the wee shed and with a shout of Whee! she launched herself into the air, wildly flapping her little leg. But she immediately landed on the ground with a thud sending Henry Hedgehog into another fit of the giggles while Sammy just sat on his roof shaking his head.
"Okay, okay" said Squeak "Maybe I need to practice a wee bit more, but I'm not giving up." She was beginning to realise that she would probably never fly, but she wasn't going to let Henry and Sammy know that---at least not yet.
While they were talking, they heard the noise of lots and lots of sheep and when they went to look, they saw Diggory helping his human to put the sheep into the field in front of Squeak's house. So they all decided they would go and watch Diggory working. They wandered slowly over towards the field where Sammy perched on a fence post. Squeak jumped up and sat on the one next to him while Henry settled down on the grass between them.
"Wow!" said Squeak "that is brilliant" as she watched Diggory racing round the field rounding up the sheep and doing everything his human told him. Henry and Sammy were equally impressed and the three friends watched until Diggory had finished and the sheep were all where the human wanted them to be. "Wow, indeed!" they all said as the the human walked away with Diggory following him.
Before he had gone too far away, Squeak ran after Diggory and called out his name. The dog stopped and said "Good afternoon, my dear Squeak. What brings you here this fine afternoon?" "We have been watching you working" replied Squeak "and we all think you are awesome. Would you like to come and play with us sometime?" "Oh thank you, Squeak" beamed Diggory "I would love to play with you. Would tomorrow be suitable? I am not working then."
"Yes, that would be fine" said Squeak, and as she wandered home she was thinking
"I wonder if I could become a sheep-cat?"
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