Today's picture is my mummy human's very favourite picture of yours truly to date, 'cos she thinks it shows me off in the best possible way, and who am I to argue? Personally, I don't think there could be a BAD picture of me, but I am slightly biased.
The picture was taken just outside my gate when my mummy went down to put water in the big bath in the field to give the mummy cows and the baby cows a wee drink, and of course, I have to go with her in case she gets into trouble, or gets lost, so that's where I was exploring when she took this.
I had some more visitors in last night and some of them hadn't seem me at all and thought I was lovely, and again I didn't argue. There were two boys and they played with me and I loved that and when they went away home I was tired, so I had a very good sleep. I have been out playing all day today and I am just going to write the final chapter of my story and then have a wee nap.
Chapter 8
"Aw, don't look so sad Squeak, we will all be back again next summer"
Sammy Seagull was trying to cheer up Squeak as Midnight and Diggory set off down the road to the pier. The three friends, Sammy Seagull, Henry Hedgehog and Squeak the cat, had all said goodbye to the horse called Midnight as she was going back home with her owners after her holiday on the little island, and Diggory the dog was running alongside her as they were firm friends too.
"I don't want her to go away, and I don't want summer to stop" said Squeak with a tiny tear in her eyes. "I have had the bestest time in my en-tire life!" Sammy and Henry just smiled because this summer was the FIRST that Squeak had had, as she was just a baby cat, but they didn't say anything as she was upset.
"At least you and Henry will be here, won't you Sammy?"
Sammy looked a little uncomfortable as he explained that he couldn't visit Squeak every day because he had to go and catch his food and might be away for a long time, but if Squeak's humans could put some food out for him, he would try to get back to see her as often as he could.
"Oh yes", said Squeak "I'll make sure they put some food out for you every single day and I will watch for you to come and see me. What about you, Henry. Will you still be here?"
"I am so sorry Squeak" said Henry "but hedgehogs sleep all winter, so I definitely won't see you until the summer. AND! " he said with a little smile "I have found a lady hedgehog, so maybe next year there will be baby hedgehogs for you to play with"
"Oh, lots of little pin cushions" laughed Squeak, but she felt very, very sad indeed because she had come to love her friends and all the time they had spent together.
Just as they were all sitting very quietly together, Diggory came bounding up to them and asked why they were all so sad and quiet. Squeak explained that this was the end of what had been a fantastic summer and she was sad because she wouldn't see any of her friends for a long time.
"But I'll still be here Squeak." said Diggory. "I don't need to go and find food and I don't sleep all winter, so I can come and see you every day if you like. I don't have as much work to do in the winter, so I can play some more if you like."
"Oh yes please Diggory. If you come to my gate and bark, I'll come out and we can play. That would be really good" Squeak was beginning to feel a wee bit better but she said t0 Sammy and Henry, "I have had the bestest time ever and I hope we can do it again next summer, so please take care of yourselves and come back as soon as you can."
The four friends all gave one another a group hug before each one went away--Sammy to fly away in search of food, Henry to build a nest for himself and the new Mrs Henry, and Diggory and Squeak away home. They were all a bit sad to be leaving but all agreed that the friendships would last a long, long time.