Monday, 7 June 2010


I nearly caught a seagull and it was HUGE! Today's picture shows me stalking this ginormous bird. Admittedly, it does not show my best side, but I thought you would like to see me in action.

My humans have a bird feeder at the front of my house and sometimes the little birds come and get their dinner, but a lot of the time the big seagulls come too and chase away the wee birds. So, when I saw this bird today, I decided I would chase HIM away.

I was at the greenhouse when he landed, and so I sprang into action. First of all I went through all the things I had read about in my 'Feline Fortnightly' magazine:

1. Bend knees so that tummy is almost on the ground,
2. Adjust ears--either straight back against head, or standing upright
3. In this position, slowly advance on victim.

So I did a quick check, assumed the position and off I went, looking extremely fetching, I must add. However, I must have forgotten to turn the page of the magazine where it told me what to do with my tail and that, dear feline friends, is where I made a mistake. When I looked at the book later, it told me just to 'move the very tip of the tail', but I didn't know that, and so I was waving my whole tail furiously, and as I have quite a long tail, the seagull saw it and flew away! In fact, my tail was waving so much, it nearly knocked me off balance, but that is strictly between me and you!

Anyway, I have learned a valuable lesson and I shall know what to do when the occasion next presents itself.

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