Saturday, 5 June 2010

Squeak in the Mist

I have been out playing all day because it started off nice and warm. My MH went out to take some pictures of people learning how to build a dry-stane dyke (a dry stone wall) and my DH cut the grass, so I went away for some peace and quiet.

It was lovely all afternoon and then the mist began to roll in off the sea and now it looks as though the whole world has disappeared again except my little island with its beautiful dry stane dyke! So today's picture shows me with the mist coming in and you can also see the mummy cows and the baby cows in the field at the back of my house.

I am still hoping that I can play with the baby cows before they get too big, but the mummy cows aren't too happy about that yet, so I shall be patient--for a wee while anyway!

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