Remember that I told you my MH was going to clean out her craft boxes and I would probably be inside one? Well, she did, and I was!
I asked her to take a picture of me and here it is for you. The little pussy cat on the work tray isn't me, but it is very like me and it was a present to my MH from her friend and I like it. It is a lovely puss but not an adorable puss! Hee hee
My humans were both out last night but they weren't too late coming back home to me and so me and my MH sat on my couch and watched Strictly so we were quite late going to bed, but we liked all the dancing.
We have had a good day today and before she cleaned out her boxes, my MH took me outside and we played in my garden 'cos it has been a lovely day and we ran and ran on the grass for a long, long time.
I asked her to take some more pictures for you of her gym machines so that you can see her treadmill and her bike that makes her little legs go very fast, so now you will know what she is doing when I tell you we go into her wee gym.

The humans are both going away to the town tomorrow to do some shopping and I am hoping it is for my birthday present, so I shall have to have a good look in all the bags when they come home.
If it is a nice day, the window will be left open for me, and I will go out to play, but if it is wet, I shall just have a snooze until they come home again to cuddle me and make a fuss of me and oh yes, FEED me!!
Hee hee!
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