Friday, 15 November 2013

What a Day

I have had such a long sleep! In fact I sleept so long that my MH was worried about me, but as you can see, I am OK.

Today was bed changing day which means that I get to play in among the sheets and under the duvet and generally have a great time helping my MH and I know she really appreciates my help. So, when she was finished, she put my own special blanket on the bed and I dived under it and she played with me for a while tickling me and wrapping me up 'cos she knows I just love that.

Then when she had finished, I just lay down under the blanket for what I thought might be a wee ten minute cat nap, but I fell sound asleep and was still there two hours later! My MH told my DH when he came home that she had to keep coming in to see if I was OK and she could see this 'lump' gently breathing up and down, so she knew I was fine. Oh how I enjoyed it!

It has been very windy, and I think it might be my fault for not learning the 'How to Switch the Wind OFF' dance. I will need to take lessons I think.

It is just as well that my friend B. lives at the other end of the island because she is not at all happy with me for making all this wind and has given me instructions---spelled O-R-D-E-R-S!!!---to switch it off NOW, so I think I will need to get on to the internet to find out how to switch off this wind.

Maybe I should stop interfering with the weather and just leave it all to my little weather man friend who seems to know what he is doing. Maybe!?

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