Friday, 25 July 2014

Another Good Friday

I have had a good day again. The weather has been warm and quite sunny, but the mist has rolled in and rolled out again and it sometimes makes a lovely picture, so my MH tooked a couple to show to you and I hope you like them.

My DH went away to the Cat shop again and me and my MH did lots of wee things in the house and in the garden and I helped her pull up some weeds. Yes! I really did. I watched what she was doing, and I knew that I could do it, so I started to wriggle a little weed with my adorable little paw, and up it came and I was SO pleased with my dear little self, and it made my MH laugh.

However, before my DH went away out I was listening to my humans and I heard them say a bad word, and it was so bad that I will have to spell it for you. It is V,E,T!! Oh, I think I might need to lie down :-)) Seemingly, I am going to Stromness next week to get my MOT with the vet, so I shall tell you all about it when it has happened, but right now, I am going to try and forget all about it.

I have some good news for you. I have a special friend who sends me lots of news of my many paw pals and J. has sent me a certificate to say I am a member of the anti lawn mower group which two of my paw pals have started and it has made me so excited. I am also quite happy to know that I am not the only puss in the world who does not like the lawn mower, and if you want to become a member, just let me know and I will ask J. to ask my pussy cat friends if you can join. I think it could be really good fun, but knowing my MH, it won't stop her cutting my grass. Boo :-((

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