Monday, 21 July 2014

Busy, busy, busy

That's what we have all been, and my dear old MH has been steaming again. Now, before you rush to report her to the Cat Cruelty man, it's not THAT kind of steaming! No, she has been steaming the kitchen floor, so I took myself outside 'cos the steamer machine thingy spits like a bad tempered pussy cat, and I do not like it very much at all.

It has been a lovely day on my little island, and I was out playing very, very early 'cos my MH had to go out then for a little while, so I stayed outside till she came home, and when she did arrive back, she did a funny thing. Before she even got into the house, she started pulling weeds up on the car parking bit of my garden. I did think she was a wee bit bonkers but I stayed out with her till she had had enough and then I tooked her inside where we talked to my DH.

Now. Sometimes my MH says things to my DH and he doesn't understand what she is telling him, but thankfully, his understanding head was on when she told him how easy it would be for him to get rid of the rest of the weeds while she was doing all her housework things, and off he went with his rubber gloves and his wee trowel and he pulled up all the rest of the weeds while I helped him although sometimes I just purred encouragement to him, and he got lots of gold stars form the Boss and my garden is looking all good again.

I stayed outside for most of the day but every now and then I nipped into my house just to see how my MH was getting on and at one point I timed it perfectly 'cos she had decided she was a bit tired and was going to have a wee sleep and of course she needed me to help her so once she had lied down, I snuggled in beside her and we had a lovely snooze.

It is a super, warm night so I am planning to ask my humans to leave the window open for me and I am going to stay out as long as I can and until I am very, very tired and then I will just nip up onto my little bed and cuddle in beside my MH again.

Oh yes, life might be busy, busy, busy but it is very, very good.

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