Sunday, 3 August 2014

Back to Normal

Thank goodness my humans have slowed down a bit today and we have had a normal lazy Sunday. It was all getting a bit much for me, I can tell you, but whatever the Boss needed to do has obviously been done and she is sitting down a bit more which means there is a knee available to me whenever I need it.

We didn't get up too early and had a leisurely breakfast before I went out to play. There had been a lot of rain early in the morning so the grass was wet on my little paws, and the long grass tickled my adorable little tummy when I went into the field, but I quite liked it.

My DH did a couple of wee things outside and we worked in the greenhouse for a while. Then my MH decided she needed to go into her gym, so I went with her and I played with the ends of her earphones when she was trying to put them back into their wee case. I love doing this and it always makes the old dear laugh, and that is good for all of us.

I got a lovely surprise this afternoon when my friend S. came to see me and she gave me a ginormous cuddle that I just loved, so you see, I have a good 'normal' Sunday.

I have asked my MH to show you some of my friends that I talk to when I am outside. One is a little birdie that comes into my garden to get a wee feed, and like a good puss, I don't chase it away 'cos I know it might be hungry, so I just sit on my window sill and watch it playing and my MH tells me what a good puss I am.

The other picture is of one of my sheep friends and I just love her coat which I think is beautiful and the last picture needs no introduction at all 'cos it is ME! I think I look especially devastating in this one and you can see how rested I am.

I hope you have had a good Sunday too.

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