Thursday, 28 August 2014

Nocturnal Naughtiness

Oh, I got my revenge and it was lovely.

Remember I told you that my MH wouldn't let my sheeps friends into my house when they came to see me? Well, I am afraid I did a little naughty thing very early this morning and my MH was not at all happy with me? I shall explain.

I had my usual sleep in the evening and then about ten o'clock at night time, I went out to play for a wee while. I usually do this and I have a wander round my favourite places so that I can decide which one I will go to when I go out later on. See? Then about half an hour later I go back home 'cos I know it is nearly my MH's bedtime, and she needs me to help her get to sleep. I cuddle up beside her while she is reading and I purr so very, very gently and that makes the old dear feel tired and then she falls asleep and that is my signal to go and ask my DH for some biscuits after which I ask him to open the door for me, which he does. Then out I run and the world is mine! Yippee

It was a lovely evening and I was having such fun that I stayed out very late and the old boy called for me a few times before he went to bed, but I am afraid I sort of pretended that I didn't hear him and I stayed out in the fields long after all the lights in my house had gone out. I had lots of fun just prowling through the long grass listening to all the little animals and insects and there were even some little birdies watching me and making wee chirrping noises and it was just beautiful, but then I got a bit tired and decided to go home, but I did this very slowly 'cos I was liking being outside so much.

I sat in my garden for a while and then I saw my outside lights coming on and I heard my MH calling for me and I decided it was time to say 'bye bye' to the outside and 'hello' to the inside, but when I went in, I gave my MH a wee surprise 'cos I tooked her a little mouse! I decided that maybe the sheeps were too big for my house and that a little mouse would be fine, but I am afraid I got it wrong again and my MH didn't want a little mouse either. Sigh :-(

It was quite lucky for her really 'cos she had closed the porch door before she had opened the outside door so I couldn't go anywhere and when she gave me a wee biscuit, I dropped said mouse and then my MH lifted me up and put me in the kitchen while the little mouse scarpered very quickly and got lost somewhere in my porch. Oops!

This was about three o'clock in the morning and since the poor old dear was still half asleep and she didn't have her specs on, she decided to leave the little mouse where it was and we both went off to bed. She mentioned it to my DH this morning and he had a look, and between him and me we found the little mouse and it is now back in the field again, but I don't think it will want to come into my house tonight.

It was really good fun and I was a very happy little pussy cat. I wonder what nocturnal naughtiness I will get up to tonight?

1 comment:

  1. Oh my dear friend well done. You have learned your lessons well. I am so proud of you. Yours HRH Princess Button. But you may call me H.
