Sunday, 21 September 2014

Nothing to Report

Except I have had a very good day. A nice, peaceful day, but a good one just the same. I went out quite late last night and comed home again at two o'clock in the morning. My DH had gone to bed and had left the window open, but it was a bit windy in my living room , so my MH got up to close the window and called for me to come home, and being just the most obedient little puss in the en-tire world, I did just that. OK, OK. I was on my way home anyway, but she doesn't need to know that and it's more brownie points and cuddles for yours truly!

We all had a long sleep this morning and I sat with my MH while she had her breakfast so that I could get a wee drink of milk and then I went out to play and watched the birdies for a while and waited for them to come to my bird feeder, but not very many came. I think they were frightened that I might be naughty to them. As if I would!!

I have two pictures for you today. This first one is the big sea-snake which gets towed up and down past my window lots of times and the first time I heard my MH telling my DH about it, I thought the old dear had finally flipped 'cos she told him to come and see the snake in the sea, and although I am just a puss, I now that snakes do not sail, but when I looked and saw for myself, I was quite relieved 'cos I would miss her if she got tooked away! Hee hee

The other picture doesn't really need an explanation, but I had just come in from having a long play in my fields and I was a bit sleepy, so I settled down on my MH's jacket and I will probably stay there until it is time to go out hunting and exploring again.

So, although I haven't done very much at all, I have done all the things I like doing, so I have had a very good day and I hope you have had a very good day too.

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