Tuesday, 23 September 2014

Still Quiet

I was up very early this morning 'cos my MH had to go away on the early boat to show the dentist her teeths and of course yours truly had to get up with her and make sure she got away without forgetting anything, but as soon as her little car tootled down the road, I was back on top of my bed while it was still warm.

I stayed there till my DH got up and then I asked him to please feed me and he did. I just didn't tell him that my MH had fed me before she went away! Well, he needs to feel useful doesn't he? And there was still room in my adorable little tummy for some more breakfast. My MH thinks I might have hollow legs 'cos she says I am always hungry, but I am just being polite and eating whatever she puts down for me.

I went outside for a wander round my garden and then I got a great big surprise when I saw my MH's little car tootling back up the road and in a trice she was giving me a big cuddle and I was oh so very happy. We sat together on my couch for a while and we had a chat, but when I saw her reaching for the vacuum cleaner, I asked her to let me out and I went into the field and talked to the sheeps. I decided not to go and see the big bully boy 'cos I could hear he wasn't in a very good mood. He has been wandering up and down past my living room windows just bellowing and I am a tad fed up with all the noise he is making, and if wasn't a million times bigger than me, I would tell him that!

My MH told me there was a big liner in Stromness when she went over and just as she was telling me, it sailed past my little island and we thought you might like to see it, so here it is.

Me and the old dear had a snooze together in the afternoon 'cos she was a bit tired after her sailing and then her housework and I just love it when she lets me cuddle up beside her. She just lies under the blanket and she lets me underneath it with her so we can have a cuddle and a snooze together and it is one of the bestest times in my little life, so that's what we did.

I played out quite a lot later on in the afternoon and then after my dinner I had my usual sleep on my couch and my MH tooked this picture of me 'cos she thinks I look cute, and I must say I agree with her. I especially like my little pink toe that you can see.

So, that's my day. It is raining now so I don't know if I will be going outside later but I will tell you tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Love your little pink toes. I wish that Sadie had your appetite.
