Monday, 25 October 2010

More Info.

I am going to tell you a wee bit more about me 'cos that is my favourite subject.

I am Squeak and that is a very good name for me 'cos it's what I do all the time. I don't meow very often---only when I am in trouble like when I get shut in the big cupboard by mistake, and then a couple of wee meows have my humans come running fast. I purr all the time and when I am talking to my humans or playing or jumping, then I squeak. My MH sometimes tries to squeak back at me, but she doesn't know that language and gets all mixed up, and that is awful funny.

Although that is my name, my MH has other names for me like 'monkey' or 'rascal' and even some that I can't print here!---- but she loves me really.

I live on a little island and from every window of my house I can see the sea. There are sheeps and cows on my island as well as hens and ducks and even pheasants and peacocks so there are plenty of other animals for me to play with. These animals don't belong to us, but most of them belong to the nice farmer next door to me who leaves his big shed open so that I can go in and play with the mouses whenever I want, and he doesn't mind if I play with the little lambs and the calves for a wee while before they grow up.

It is good fun growing up on a little island and I will tell you more later. I hope you will like that.

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