I am having a very quiet day today and I have been on my very best behaviour after my narrow escape yesterday 'cos I'm not sure how good my MH's memory is, and I don't want to take any chances.
I have been in a very helpful mood and I went with my MH into her wee gym and I helped her do her exercises. My DH built a shed for her at the side of my house and she has a treadmill and a bike and a rowing machine so she plays on them two or three times a week and I go in with her and meow encouragingly which I know she really appreciates.
After all that exertion I needed a wee rest, so I had a snooze and then I went into the greenhouse with my DH and we talked to our tomatoes. There are still a lot on the plants and he is talking about making chutney, so I will see if I like that or not.
Then I got weighed and being a very good puss, I stood on the scales while my MH checked my weight and I am still an adorable eight pounds, so I am doing OK and my humans tell me I am as fit as a fiddle. I think this is because I still race round my house at breakneck speed and jump all over the furniture.
I jumped up onto the kitchen chair this morning, but I was going so fast that me and the chair slid right across the kitchen. Oh it was good fun and I must try it again sometime.
I think they should have called me Speedy!
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