Thursday, 21 October 2010

Still Cold

There is more snow on 'them thar hills', so I am staying indoors as much as possible and I am creating mayhem according to my humans, so I think that is good.

I am not sure if I will like the snow 'cos I was just a very wee baby puss the last time the snow came here and I don't remember it very well, but I shall see what it is like and then deal with it in my usual Squeak manner.

I have been doing a variety of things especially chasing my tail which keeps me going for ages, although mainly round in circles, but it is good fun and it makes my humans laugh, so that IS good.

My picture today is of my attacking pose under my rocking chair. I hide here when my MH is playing with my toys and then I pounce out as quick as lightning and try and take them away from her and we play that game every day and it is my very favourite.

Another thing I like doing when I am in my house is watching my television and my very favourite programme is 'Strictly Come Dancing'. I love all the sparkle and I think I might learn to dance like that one day when I am a bit bigger.

I might become world famous as the first dancing cat! Watch this space.

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