Yes, I have had a good day. I have been out in my garden a lot 'cos the weather is good, so we have been quite busy. My DH is packing up all the garden ornaments to put away for the winter in case they all get blowed away, so my garden is beginning to look quite bare.
My plants are going into the greenhouse for the winter and my DH says I can still go in and look after them and give them a wee meow whenever I want to, so that's OK.
My humans were away out last night at a quiz in the Hall so I was left all alone, but it was OK 'cos I was tired and so I had a wee sleep, but as soon as they came home, I went out hunting and I stayed out very late again.
I like being out in these quiet nights 'cos there are lots of new smells and sounds for me to explore and it takes me a long time to discover everything. I think it will take me lots of nights so I am looking forward to the autumn.
I think I shall be an 'autumn explorer'!
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