Thursday, 15 September 2011

NOT fed up!

I am a very happy puss today 'cos I have been outside ALL day and I have been so busy, but I am loving every minute of it.

You may have worked out that the weather is much better and so I bounced out of bed this morning very early and I gently wakened my MH 'cos I wanted to get fed and then get out to play. And this I did.

I ran all round my garden and my humans were laughing at me 'cos they said I was just 'bouncing' with energy, and I am afraid I bounced all day!

Me and my MH went into the gym and we did lots of exercises and then she decided to go and put water out for the cows, so I bounced down the path beside her and then when she was going home again, I let her go half way up the path and then I raced up to her as fast as I could go, and was in the gate before her. My how we did chuckle!

Then we all went into my DH's greenhouse and looked at all MY! tomatoes and she was very pleased. After this, my MH had work to do in the house, so I went out and played in my garden chasing leaves and grass and flies----but not birdies today, 'cos I am trying to be good.

So you can see I have had a very good day and if the weather stays like this, I shall go out again tonight. I can hardly wait!

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful day - lots of bouncing around in your wonderful garden, and happy tomato growth too!

    Dear Squeak - you are soooooo good to your dear Humans, just as Irene and Bobby are good to you,

    Huggles and care to you all, Michelle (Zeb has snuggled down on "our" bed in disgust that I am awake and up, bless him)
