Sunday, 25 September 2011

A Shock!

That's what I got today. I am still recovering and I might even need therapy---in the form of a special treat and an extra cuddle.

I know you are desperate to find out what has put me into such a dreadful state. Well, it was the LAWN MOWER! You know I have been telling you that the weather hasn't been too great and I thought that the awful machine was away for the winter---but oh dear, how wrong I was!

It wasn't a great day, but it wasn't raining and I heard my humans saying that they weren't happy with the state of the grass, but even then I didn't worry 'cos I knew it was going to rain. But blow me! The old dear went out and cut the grass----in the rain!

Well,it wasn't raining when she started, but it was by the time she was finished and I am sure that the neighbours must think my MH is a wee bit crackers.

And today, dear reader, I am not arguing with them! I am now resting and trying to recover.

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