Saturday 25 July 2020


Hello everyone. I hope you are all doing well. Me and my humans are doing fine and they are both a bit happier now that they have had their hair cut. My DH could nearly put his in a pony tail and that is definitely NOT a good look, so I am also very happy that he got his cut.

I have been doing lots of pussy cat things and have been spending millions of time outside my house 'cos I have found a very secret hidey place where it is lovely and warm and the pesky swallows can't see me.... until I stand up of course, and then they start to dive bomb me, but I just try to ignore them and race home to my MH who says she misses me when I am away from her, but I tell her I have to do what pussy cats do, but it doesn't help very much.

In the night time, when we have all had our dinner, and we are watching my television, I nip up onto her knee and stay there until bedtime and that makes the old dear happy again!

It doesn't take much, does it?

1 comment:

  1. I haven't been here for a while Squeak. I've missed you. You are still as adorable as ever. I was a long time before I could get a haircut, and it seems I'm more white haired than ever. Stay safe all. Aslan says Purrrrrr.
