Saturday, 15 May 2021

Sad Squeak


I am a wee bit sad just now ‘cos I had a very upsetting experience a few days ago and it has taken me until now to be able to tell you all about it.

I haven’t been going outside too much because I have been looking after my MH who isn’t very well just now, but the other day was a fine day and the old dear told me to go and play and do pussycat things and so oft I went.

I went down into the big shed where the nice farmer man keeps all his tractors and tools and things ‘cos I love exploring there and sniffing lots of lovely smells, but it was there that I became a bit trapped ‘cos a great big bird ( well it was BIG to me!) comed to where I was sitting and every time I tried to go home it dive bombed me and I was frightened......lots frightened ‘cos I don’t like birdies when they do that. I could hear my humans calling for me and that made me sad ‘cos I knew they were worried about me.


But knew there was a ‘but then’ didn’t you? Or I wouldn’t be telling you this! Hee hee .....But then my DH comed into the big shed and he saw me hiding in the corner and he saw the big birdie and he chased it away and tooked me home. I was a very happy little Squeak and you all know what I got when my MH saw me?

Yep, millions of cuddles! Happy, happy Squeak.

Sunday, 2 May 2021

Rebel Puss

There has not been very much happening on my beloved little island and I have been a rather lazy little puss, and I have been sleeping lots, but I have also been a wee bit of a rebel..... just to amuse myself, you understand. You see, I know the habits of my humans so well, and that lets me able to do this. See?

The first one is with my DH at his bedtime. Me and my MH go to bed earlier than him and I stay with the old dear until she puts out her light and then I go back into my living room where the old boy is watching television. I sit there until he gets up to switch everything off  before he goes to bed and then I ask if I can go out please and will he open the window... which he does, although he is not very happy about it! Hee hee I don't stay out too long, though.

The other rebel bit is with my dear old MH and I know I shouldn't and I will stop.... sometime! The poor old dear has a very sore back and she has to use a trolley thing with wheels when she is walking and I do not like this at all .... Not one little bit!

So, when she starts to go somewhere, I do what I saw peoples on my television doing.... I lie down in front of her and she gets a wee bit very annoyed with me. Oh dear. She says if I keep doing this she will run over me and cut off my adorable little tail! I could end up a decapitated little Squeak!!!


Saturday, 24 April 2021


 I have been asking the old dear to write to you for a wee while now and she has finally listened to me! I wanted to let you know that I am a well little puss


and a very happy one because the sun has been shining on my little island and me and my humans have been out in my garden and you know how much I like that.

I have just one little bit of news for you and that is I have a new water bowl. Mind you, when I say ‘bowl’ I mean FOUNTAIN!  Yep, she went and bought a fountain for me. Now, I haven’t the heart to tell her I prefer my water al fresco as it were, but I have been having little drinks just to please her and it will do whenever I don’t want to go outside.

If she had only asked me first!

Saturday, 10 April 2021

Puzzled Puss

 When I wakened up in this morning I was all excited ‘cos my beloved little island was all white and it was snowing. Yippee! I thought maybe it was Christmas again, but then it rained and the snow went away. After that the sun comed out and I thought it would be warm when I went out into my garden. Nope! I was wrong ‘cos it was freezing and before I could get back inside it was snowing again! Oh dear, my adorable little brain is all confused.

Me and my humans are doing very well and I am still being loved millions. Except maybe in this morning through the night time when I was just a tad naughty, and I know you will find that hard to believe.  Well, my MH had to get up in the dark time and of course I have to make sure she doesn’t get mixed up so I went with her.

I decided my little tummy was empty so I asked her please can you fill it up again, which she did.....’cos she always does. Well, as she was busy with that, I thought a little nocturnal perambulation might be in order, so I wandered over to the door and sat there till she noticed me and we came to an agreement that it would be a ten minute at the most playtime and she opened the door for me.

Now, do you ever regret having asked for something? It was FREEZING! I sat on the little mat and told her I would just sit there for a while with the door open, but she gave me her ‘think again my little Squeak!’ look and two minutes later we were all cozy in our little bed. Hee hee

And she still loves me MILLIONS!

Tuesday, 30 March 2021

No News

  I don’t want you to be worrying about me ‘cos I am a very happy little puss although I am not doing very much just now because the weather on my little island has been a wee bit very awful with rain and fog and wind, so I have been an indoor puss all day but I still  go out for a little while before bedtime.

 I’m afraid I make my poor old MH very worried when I go out when the wind is howling ‘cos she is always frightened something will happen to me in the dark windy night and she can’t sleep until she hears my DH letting me back in again and I jump up on to our little bed and give her a big cuddle.

And then we both have a good sleep.

Thursday, 25 March 2021

A Wander In My Garden

 The weather on my little island has been quite not very good at all with lots of rain and wind so I have been in my house a lot but it has been good ‘cos I have been playing with my MH and helping her to keep my house all clean and tidy, and as you know, she appreciates my help millions!

 However today has been a bit better with lots of spaces in between the rain and it was during one of these spaces that I tooked my adorable little body out into my front garden and I liked that lots.

I sniffed the flowers but when I saw my MH hanging out the window to take a picture of me I decided to return home and make sure she was OK.....and she was!

Thursday, 18 March 2021

Not Much to Say

 I still don't have any news for you because I have been resting a lot 'cos my little island has been a wee bit too wet, windy and cold for me but today was a bit better so I have been out a lot.

It was a funny day.... funny odd not funny giggle if you see what I mean. When me and the old dear got up, the mist was so thick we could hardly see our gate, but by the time the old dear was ready and all clean, the mist had gone and it was sunny!

The whole day was like that... misty then sunny... so yours truly waited till the sunny time and then I went out to play and it was good fun. I am now resting on my MH's knee as she is writing his for me and I am very happy indeed.

I hope you are too.