Friday 9 February 2018

Friday Fun

It has been another good day Chez Squeak and I have had a very fine time indeed. It is still very cold and there was a tiny wee drop of snow, but nothing too exciting.

We were all at home all day and my MH didn't even go into the gym 'cos she decided that her little legs needed a wee rest, so I helped her do that by sitting on my couch with her while we had one of our girlie chats which we both like lots. She did a wee bit of housework and I just wandered round my house after her and waited for a cuddle or a play with one of my toys.

We played lots of times together and one time she was using a carrier bag on top of our bed and I decided I had to have a serious explore and my MH tooked these pictures which I am sure will make you smile.

Later in the afternoon I sat on the back of my couch and watched the old dear as she started to work on her bead picture. She told me and my DH that there were over twenty five thousand little crystals that she has to stick on so I think I will be a very old puss by the time she is finished. I can't even imagine that number and I still don't know how my MH worked it all out. I shall have to ask her one day.

I haven't been outside too much and when I did go out, it was just for a little time and then I scooted back inside again and there was always a cuddle waiting for me. It always makes getting frozed worthwhile!

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