Will it ever stop raining? I have been outside again but only for a wee while because the rain came on and the wind started blowing again, so I just went home.
This was fine because my humans needed to go shopping and went away on the boat at lunchtime, so I just settled down and read my latest edition of 'Feline Fortnightly' when I had peace and quiet. Maybe I will send them a copy of my adventure story when it is written and I could be famous--even famouser than I already am!
I have been thinking this afternoon of the characters in my story and there will be me, of course, a hedgehog called Henry, Sammy Seagull, a dog called Dizzy and a horse called Midnight, so I shall now try thinking of a story about them all and I will tell it to you soon.
So, after I had read and thought and slept, it was time for my humans to return and I ran to greet them because I think it is important to make them feel loved and wanted and sure enough, as I bounded up they both smiled, so they were happy bunnies. Well, not literally you understand--I am using poetic licence here as us authors are allowed to do. I think I shall have a big hat and a cravat and maybe a monocle.
Once we had unpacked all the messages, I got a big surprise and it was the toy in today's picture. It is a mouse and rather a big mouse actually so I'm glad it's just a toy 'cos I wouldn't like to attack it. There is a bell in the inside of it ( I wonder how long that will last!) and my humans can unscrew the bottom bit and put in some biscuits, so that when I 'clunk' it, it rolls over and some of the biscuits come out for me to eat.
I like this toy a lot.