Wednesday, 28 April 2010


The weather has finally improved! There is no wind and it is even quite warm, so I have been outside a lot and going far, far places that I haven't explored yet, but I am keeping my eyes open in case Sammy Seagull comes back for me. I haven't seen him since yesterday so maybe I scared him off. Some of his friends came to the bird feeder later on in the evening, but they weren't nearly as big or as scary as him, so I wasn't frightened.

Remember my I told you my MH went shopping yesterday? Well, I thought she had forgotten that Tuesday is Wii weigh day, but I was wrong! She had remembered and we did it today and I am still the same weight as last week, so I think that is OK. I am eating very well, but I am running and jumping and climbing a lot, so I think I am a very healthy little puss cat, and I know I am a very happy puss cat.

I have been helping my humans in the garden for a long time today,and when I needed a wee rest, I just nipped into this tub and I stayed there as long as none of the big birds came and 'cos it was nice and warm, I nodded off for a wee while and by the time I wakened up again, all the work was done and we all went into the house where I jumped on my climbing frame and played with all my toys, so I have had another super, duper day.

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