Saturday, 24 April 2010

Escape Hatch

Today's picture shows me at my 'other' way out of my house. As I have told you, my house only has one door, and if the wind is in the wrong direction, or 'airt' as we Orcadian pussycats say, then when I try to go out of said door, I get blowed back in again. So, because this window is at the other side of my house, the wind sometimes isn't as bad, and I can escape that way and I can play and hunt with a wee bit of shelter.

There are plenty of plants that I can hide in and attack at the same time, so I am doing very well, although I did a wee mistake yesterday which I shall now relate. It is rather delicate and of a lavatorial nature, so I hope I do not offend anyone.

I am very good at using my litter tray but when I was out yesterday I thought I would widdle 'al fresco' and found a lovely tub of soft soil where I settled down with a copy of the 'Feline Fortnightly' to help pass the time as I did what nature intended me to do.

Having finished my ablutions, I did what cats all over the universe do, and covered it all up with this lovely soil, and it was then that my humans espied me. MH thought it was 'cute', but DH muttered something about plants and flowers, and what Tom's thumbs were doing there, I do not know!!

Reading between the lines, it might be better using the litter tray or the grass, but we will see.

Now I have a pirate joke for you. Remember I told you yesterday that I was a pirate with a cardboard boat, well, when my MH saw this, she told me her favourite pirate joke and it is:

Captain: "What comes after Q mateys?"

Mateys: "AghRRRR, cap'n!"

I hope that is her only pirate joke!

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