Monday, 18 February 2013

A Great Big Thank You...

.... to my little weather man friend Sean 'cos today I love him nearly as much as I love my humans 'cos he has given me the bestest day for as long, long time and I have hardly been inside my house at all.

After all the beautiful sunsets last night, I went outside for hours and hours and I was just so happy playing in the grass and watching all the different colours in the sky and then when  I got up early this morning, the sun was shining and it was a lovely day. So thank you Sean, but please can you leave it like this for a while?


Me and my humans have been out a lot today and my MH took out her camera to get lots of pictures and then we went into the gym, but I am afraid I just left her there and went to play in the grass and under the pampas grass until she was finished and then we played together in the garden, so you can see that I am just the happiest pussy cat in the world.

You will see that my MH did what I asked her and she has taken a picture of the new bird feeder that my DH made and there were lots of wee birdies on it to day getting lots of dinner. We put out some seed and a feeding ball and they just love that so I hope it fills their tiny tummies and that they are not hungry any more.


I am going to have a rest now and then I shall go outside so maybe tomorrow I will have some more stories for you and my MH might have some more pictures of the sunsets which are just glorious.

I hope your weather is good too wherever you are.

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