Saturday, 2 February 2013

All Quiet

My house is nearly all back to normal again. My MH just had a wee bit of board to paint and me and her went into the gym to do this, so I was able to have a wee hunt round about while the old dear was getting her work done, but the room will soon be all finished and we are all very happy with it.

I hope the paint pots disappear soon 'cos I am beginning to not like them as much as I don't like the vacuum cleaner and the lawn mower. The paint doesn't make any noise but it means that my humans don't have any time for me. Well, that's a wee fib 'cos they do have SOME time, just not as much as I want.

I was just settling down on my MH's knee last night when she told me she had to go out, so you can imagine that I was not best pleased. She was away for nearly two hours, so it was just me and my DH, but the bestest bit was that when she came home, she went straight for her shower and then put on the big cuddly dressing gown that I love, so guess where I very quickly landed? Yep, back on her knee. And I was so cosy and comfortable I slept and snored for a long time. Oh and I did like it lots.

I have been out playing quite a lot today and although it is cold, it is dry and not windy, but my little weather man friend Sean says the horrid wind is coming back again on Monday so I am not liking that at all.

I shall let you know how we all get on but I hope you are all doing well.

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