Thursday, 28 February 2013

So Much Better

 That's what my day has been today. Both my humans have been at home and, as it should be, I have been the centre of their universe.

 My day started off with me helping my MH to change the beds and that is one of my very favourite games and we have great fun together with it ending up as a game of hide and seek which keeps the old dear amused for hours.

I then went into the greenhouse with my DH 'cos we are starting to get it all ready for our tomatoes and things this year and my DH wants to play with my MH's window cleaning machine but he told me that he was going to pretend he didn't know how it worked so that she would do all the windows! I have promised not to tell if he gives me some extra biscuits!!

I stayed out playing 'cos the weather was good and I had a few wee visits to the field to see if there were any new baby sheeps but I lost count at one point. I think I might even have nodded off while I was counting them, but they all looked fine to me and it was good fun watching them doing funny jumps and running after the mummy sheeps. I like watching them and I think thay might like watching me too---and who could blame them? Hee hee :))

When I went back home, I sat on the kitchen window ledge and when I looked in I saw my MH was doing some baking, so I shot in as fast as my adorable little legs could take me 'cos I always get a special Squeak sized pancake and today was no exception. And it was soooo good! She made lots of things today---scones and pancakes and fruit buns 'cos they are my DH's favourite so we won't be hungry for a long time, I think.

We played with some of my toys for a while and both me and my MH had the bestest of fun.

 So you can see that I have had a very good day and after my evening snooze I shall be nipping out of my window again and I will see what mischief I can get up to to round up what has been a perfect pussy cat day.

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