I have been able to get out to play nearly all day 'cos the weather has been very good. My DH has been outside all day too and you know how I like company when I am out, so I am double happy.
Then, my MH came outside and I was triple happy. Maybe that's what makes me a happy bunny. Who knows? Anyway I had great fun. At one point my MH was in her gym and I was outside on the grass and I gave her a fright 'cos I was playing at catching flies and feathers and things and I made a great big jump and jumped higher than the window and my MH could see me from her bike! She said I nearly made her fall off! Oops.
When she finished her exercises, she played with me on the grass and we found a big bit of pampas grass and she swished it round and round and I followed it and at one point it looked like she was stirring me and my DH said it looked really funny but he didn't have the camera which is a shame.

We put a lot of food out for the birdies and I have sent you some pictures of the starlings that come to my house and a great big birdie that came for a feed too. I like the starlings but I stayed away from the big birdie 'cos he looked very big and very fierce, so I just pretended I was a very good pussy cat, which is the truth anyway!

I hope it is a good day again tomorrow 'cos I just love being outside and I hope you have a good day too..

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