Friday 20 March 2020

Sort of Normal

The weather on my little island has got a lot better and that means that I have been able to get out to play lots of times although it is still a wee bit on the cold side for this adorable little body. Me and my MH were outside for a long time today as she decided to wash all the outsides of our windows and she needed me to help her and I jumped at the chance.

Actually, I did jump, 'cos I was on one of my beds and when she called for me I had to jump down to get to her and when we were outside I had the bestest of fun. While she was washing and drying, I ran all round my garden having great fun and that made the old dear smile and I liked that.

My DH is staying in my house just now because instead of going to the Cat Shop he is going to someplace called isolation, but I am confused cos he just stays here. Hmm I shall have to find out what he is doing.

Apart from that, all is well and I hope you are all well too.

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