Wednesday 25 November 2020

Good Times

I have been having some great fun in my house with me and my MH playing with my toys. Shhe knows exactly what I am asking and she normally does what I want which is just brilliant, so yesterday and today I asked her if we could play and we did. Oh boy, we had the bestest of fun and I loved it. I was just the happiest little puss in the world.
I waited until she had finished all her housework and then I did my funny run which she knows means 'please play with me' and when I saw her putting away the vacuum and the dusters I knowed it was going to be fun time and I ran into the tunnel and just waited for her to come back to me. I have a plastic tunnel that a friend gived t0 me 'cos her pussy cat didn't like it, but I love it and I run from side to side and sommetimes I have a wee snooze in it with my adorable head sticking out one end, and my equally adorable little bum sticking out the other end. A beautiful sight!
But when we play, I hide in it and my MH rolls my toys to me and I jump out and attack them all and then she takes them away and we start all over again. It really is the very bestest fun in the en-tire world!

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