Saturday 23 January 2021

A Wee Bit Better

Well, I always thinked that I might be a wee bit magic  and I may have mentioned this a few times when I was writing to you, but today I am sure that I am.

Do you remember yesterday I told you I was going to ask my little weather man friend to make my weather better? Well, (again) I don't really know my little weather man friend like a real person, but when he is on my television I send him my thoughts about my weather and when I am doing this I stare quite hard at the television so that my thoughts will go straight through it and into him. See?

In fact, my MH saw me doing this one night and she was a wee bit very worried about me 'cos I  was sitting very, very still just staring and staring, but I couldn't stop until my message had got through and then I becomed normal again, and she was happy.

So, when I got up in this morning, all the wind had stopped and it wasn't even raining and that was all because of me and my little weather man friend. Now, that  HAS to be magic, sure it has?

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