Tuesday 19 January 2021


Oh, my dear friends, I am afraid I was a rather naughty little Squeak the other night. I know that is hard for you to believe, but it is true and I am looking just a wee bit sad as I tell you this story. Picture the scene. It is very dark o'clock in the night time and we are all in bed. My DH is snoring....but not quite at brass band level!... and me and my MH are all cuddled up and sleeping. I waken up and decide I would rather like one of my nocturnal perambulations but as I am not yet clever enough...or big enough...to open the door, I need to waken The Boss! Now, this is usually a very easy task because on the shelf of her dressing table she has lots of little perfume bottles and normally one touch of my adorable little paw on any of these bottles and the old dear is on her feet ready to give in to my every whim. And NO I am not spoiled. She just loves me.
So, I knocked one bottle off the shelf and nothing. I did it again and nothing and again and there wasn't even a flicker from her. However, by the fourth bottle I had got her attention and she was up out of bed. I wouldn't say she was awake, but she was up. However, and you all know what's coming, don't you? I was so tired hitting all these bottles that the notion of going outside had left me and I was back on our bed sound asleep! Well, the old dear was not best pleased and the only reason I am not writing this from inside the soup pot is that I have hided said pot. Hee hee And because she loves me MILLIONS!

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