Monday 14 October 2019

A Nocturnal Adventure

I have a little story for you which I hope you like. In the early hours of this morning, my MH had to go to the loo and when she didn't see me beside her on our bed, she decided to come looking for me and founded me on the window sill in our living room. I was just sitting there looking out into the dark time but when I saw her, I asked if I could please go outside.

Well, it was a beautiful night with no wind at all and a great big moon which lighted up all of my little island, so the old dear thought she would let me out, leave the window open and go back to bed and wait for me to come back and tell her I was home. Sounds like a plan, eh?

However, it didn't really work out just as easy as that 'cos as soon as I jumped down from my window, another naughty puss cat that was in my garden frightened me and I decided to chase it away. We both dived at breakneck speed through the fence and raced across the field in front of my house with my poor old MH standing in my house watching me running away after said puss. She was not happy, but it was to get worser because suddenly there was a dreadful loud noise that frightened her. It wasn't like pussy cats was worser than that, and then she thought it might have been all the goose birdies that sleep in the field and that's what it was.

There they all were, sleeping on the grass minding their own business, when two pussy cats came racing down to disturb them and that made them all waken up and squawk something terrible. Oh deary, deary me. My MH was so worried, she put on her slippers and dressing gown, founded a torch and comed outside to see if her darling, adorable Squeak was fine or if I was hurted and I am afraid my MH was really, really worried, but just as she got to the corner of the garden, who was coming in all safe and happy? Yes, it was me... Squeak and I was fine.

Well, to be honest I got such a fright when all these gooses started shouting that I shot back home as quickly as these four adorable little feets could take me and I was very, very happy to see the old dear coming for me.

But I haven't admitted to that and told her I was fine, but I don't think I will do that again. Hee hee

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