Monday 7 October 2019

Windy, Windy, Windy

Oh dear, it has been a very windy weekend and me and my MH have not liked it at all. I haven't been out as often as I wanted and the old dear was supposed to be meeting her friends in Kirkwall today, but she couldn't go, and of course my DH didn't get to the Cat Shop, so we have all been at home. But that has been good fun too 'cos I got lots of cuddles and my MH played with me whenever I wanted her to.

There was lots of rain during the weekend but today was not too bad and finally the wind went away and this little puss headed out into the outside and I had a wee play. There are mummy cows and some baby cows in the field in front of my house so I had a wee chat to them and I liked that. I am hoping to go and see them again before I go to sleep.

Now, I am going to tell you a wee story that I think is quite funny and it is about my MH. At night time my MH lets me cuddle up beside her to go to sleep but sometimes during the night time I need a wee feed or I want to go outside and I have to waken her up. Sometimes it takes me quite a long time before I manage this and if my very gentle ways don't work, like softly thumping my paws on her chest, or purring rather loudly in her lug then I have to stick one of these adorable little paws in said lug but the funniest thing is when all these things don't work and then I have to take drastic action and that has never failed yet!

I jump up onto the dressing table where the old dear has her jewellery boxes and perfume bottles and all it takes is for me to shift one of these bottles or boxes with my paw and she is wakened in an instant! Oh I am a very clever Squeak.

And I learned that all by my adorable little self!

1 comment:

  1. Dear Squeak, it sounds like you have a wee bit of Aslan in your DNA.
