Tuesday 11 February 2020

What a Day!

I have had a brilliant day! The weather has been awful but it has not worried me at all. Well, maybe just a little bit when the thunder rolled right across my roof and frightened me and my humans a wee bit.

There was a howling gale when we all wakened up so I very quickly worked out that I would need to stay inside or face getting blowed away but when the thunder and lightning comed I was very glad I could hide inside my house. So that was a not very good bit to my day but because of this, my day suddenly got a big lot gooder!

My MH decided to give our bedroom a great big clean and needed to get my DH to help her and for some reason known only to themselves, the poor soul had to crawl under the bed but when he was there, he finded my wee green ball that has been lost for a long time and that made me the happiest little puss in the world!

Those of you who know all about me, know that I have had this wee green ball for years and years and I just love it millions but every now and then I put it away somewhere safe and the forget where it is and I have to wait until one of my humans finds it.

And today was my DH’s turn. Yippee! Thank you DH.

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