Wednesday 28 March 2018

A Very Good Day

It has been a good day inside but not very great outside 'cos it has been a wee bit wet and I did feel so very sorry for all the little baby sheeps that are outside my garden gate. I have been out to see them lots of time but just from a distance 'cos the mummy sheeps don't quite trust me and when you see the picture of the sheep with the big horns you will understand why I am not arguing with them!

My DH was away to the Cat Shop and me and my MH had a long seat on my couch and one of our girlie chats that we both love and then she did a wee bit of housework before she played with me again. She is still doing her big picture but it is nearly all finished and then I will be able to show you what she has been doing instead of playing with me --- but I have to admit that it is quite nice.

I nipped in and out lots of times and then in the afternoon we both went into the gym for a while and I played inside and outside while she was making her little legs do their exercises.

So my day has been good but I don't know if I will be back outside again tonight because it is raining and I am not really wanting to get wet just before bed time. Wise puss, eh?

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