Wednesday 29 May 2019

Oh Dear

I thought today was going to be good one, but I was a wee bit very wrong, because today was VET day! Aaargh! When I wakened up I was very happy to see that it wasn't raining or winding and that made me very pleased indeed so after my breakfast I scooted outside and wandered down to the old sheds at the bottom of our lane. I like down there 'cos I can climb up as high as the birdies and I can walk along the roof tops and pretend I am a ginormous giant and that makes me have a happy, tickly feeling inside me.

I nipped home a couple of times just to make sure that my MH wasn't missing me too much and as soon as I saw she was OK I nipped back out again. I do a lot of 'nipping'! So far so good. However, one time when I was playing I heard my MH calling for me and, being the obedient adorable little puss that I am, I ran back home to see what she needed and that was a big mistake, a very big mistake 'cos the vet lady was waiting for me with the hugest needle you have ever seen!

Oh my dear friends, my little legs shooked when I saw it, but as usual I was the bravest puss on this planet and didn't make a sound when she speared me with said 'THING'! Then she tooked out a stethoscope thing and feeled my little body all over, but I was a very proud little Squeak when I heard her telling my MH that I was perfectly fine.....and quite beautiful. She didn't actually say that bit, but I knew she was thinking it. Hee hee.

As soon as I recovered from this dreadful ordeal, I headed outside again and I was out for hours and hours and hours and I am afraid I was out so long that my dear old MH had to come looking for me, and I nearly didn't come when she called me this time in case there was another big needle waiting for me.

But there wasn't and I am happily sitting on her knee now and will head outside again in a wee while. Yippee!

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