Sunday 9 September 2018


….. the weekend is nearly finished and I didn't get to write to you yesterday 'cos my MH was very busy all day and then both my humans were away to a party at night time so yours truly was left all alone and because it was raining, the window had to be closed so I had to stay in till they comed back home.

Fortunately, they weren't too late and so I was able to get out to play for a while before bedtime and then I had a wee cuddle on my MH's knee while she told me all about the party and it sounded good. I just wish I could go and see for myself, but I think there might be too many peoples for me 'cos I am rather a shy little puss until I really get to know people and then I am very fine.

It has been a very quiet day in my house and outside has been a bit damp so I have just been out for little times and I have spent lots of times in my wee hoose having some lovely snoozes. The old dear had to go down to see my pussycat friend and she was fine too. There is just one more day till my friend S. comes home and then my MH won't need to go anymore which means more time for me, although I do not mind at all when she goes to help another fellow puss cat.

I am just built that way!!

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