Friday, 20 July 2018

Happy, Happy, Happy

Hello. It's me, Squeak, and I am back again. Although, as I have told you before, I wasn't away anywhere, but as she who works the computer for me was on her holidays, I couldn't tell you all the wonderful things I was doing, but she is back again so I can and that's why I am happy. And also because my humans are at home with me after abandoning me FOREVER!

I am very well as I am now on my MH's knee with my adorable little head on her laptop while she is busy talking to you. I wasn't best pleased with her this afternoon though 'cos she tooked out the lawn mower instead of spending every single minute with me trying to mend my broken little heart. Too much, do you think? Yes, I guess it is a wee bit over the top, 'cos I had a brilliant time with my friend B. who was living in my house to look after me but we have made a pals pact not to tell what we did 'cos there were a couple of things that I don't think the Boss would like, so it is just our secret! However, I did get a very special cuddle when she was finished cutting the grass, so I forgived her. Well, I always do, just like she always forgives me.

My DH is delighted with the way I have looked after ALL the tomatoes and he put some in a big bowl and bringed them into the Boss who was equally delighted with me. Maybe she will show you them tomorrow. I shall ask, and you know what will happen, don't you?

So, that's all for now but I am a very happy little Squeak now that my normal is back to me again.

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