Monday 23 July 2018

More Fun

I have had another really good day and I have loved every single minute of it. The weather on my little island is still brilliant so I have been outside nearly all day just nipping home every once in a while to get my wee cuddle.

For some reason known only to herself, my dear old MH decided to wash loads and loads of clothes which means she had to hang out loads and loads of clothes and of course she needed my help, so I stayed in the garden with her and made her laugh when I did my usual running up and down the clothes pole but then I had great fun when she was putting them all away again in this plastic bag to go under my bed, 'cos I had to make sure it was perfectly all right for all her clean things. And it was!

And as I promised, here are my beautiful tomatoes. 'Nuff said, eh?

1 comment:

  1. Magnificent tomatoes Squeak - it must be your purring that makes them so good!
