Monday 23 September 2019

A Wee Story

I made my MH laugh again. Now I know that is not very unusual but if I tell you that it was at half past four o'clock in this morning, you will maybe understand why it is a wee bit unusual. I shall explain.

I decided I was a wee bit hungry so I asked my MH to please give me some food and as she was at the toilet anyway, she said OK and up we got. I had some food and then I decided it might be good to go outside for a while and see what the world was dong, so I headed to the door and asked the old dear to please open it for me.

Guess what? She said 'No'! You weren't expecting that now were you? Now, there are lots of words that I know.... like my name, dinner, play and things like that and I like them. I also know the word 'no' although I don't hear it very often, but I do not like it and when I heard it in this morning I was not best pleased, and I showed it and that's what made my MH giggle.

I heard her telling my DH that she could see I was annoyed and my adorable little wagger was shaking so much and so fast that she said I could have sweept the floor! But it worked, and she let me out anyway!

Do I hear the word spoiled! Hee hee

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