Thursday 5 September 2019


.… We are all very well but I have a little story for you which gave me a wee bit of a fright when my MH told it to me. Yesterday both my humans were in Stromness 'cos the old boy was at the Cat Shop and my MH was away swimming so yours truly was left all alone. I had a wee bit of breakfast and then went outside for a while and my humans thought they could have left the window open because it was a lovely morning, but I came home before they went away, so they decided to close it, and that was a very good idea indeed.

I settled down on my couch and just waited patiently till they comed back home to me and I did notice that it had suddenly got a wee bit very windy but then my MH told me what had happened to them and I had to lie down again. I shall explain. They got on the boat in Stromness and although it was a tad breezy, they weren't too worried but as they were sailing back to my little island the naughty wind got worser and because of the direction the boat had to come in at the other side of the pier and everybody had to go up the stairs to the top deck and then walk along a gangway onto the pier. My MH called it a gang plank, but I don't think it was..hee hee.

It wasn't too bad but a wee bit difficult when they were carrying bags but they got some help and then they had to walk up the pier to get the car without the wind blowing them away again! Oh dear, I am very glad I wasn't there. My humans were fine but they didn't like it too very much so I am glad they are home.

Today has been a lot better and I have been in and out lots of times without getting rained on which makes me very pleased indeed.

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