Wednesday 20 March 2019

A Normal Day

And a good day with everything in my house just back to its usual and just the way I want it so I am a very contented little puss. My DH went away to the Cat Shop and me and my MH had one of our girlie chats while we were sitting on my couch. It is quite a while since we have had one of these and I like it very much when me and my MH sit together 'cos while she is talking to me she scratches my adorable little lugs and I like that lots and lots.

She had some housework to do and I helped her change the beds again and I just love that too. I play with the old dear when she is working and she cuddles me and tickles me and then rolls me up in the sheets---but not the clean ones-- and I am as happy as can be.

It was quite a good day on my little island so I was able to get out to play quite a lot and I knew that every time I comed home my MH would be waiting for me and that was just beautiful.

So a good, normal day.

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