Tuesday 26 March 2019

More Wind

house 'cos the weather was rotten again and I wasn't able to get out to play which always makes me a wee bit grumpy but my MH always notices and makes me cheery again.

The good news, the VERY good news is that finally all the decorating work is finished. My dear old DH has been working hard today to get the last little bit of work finished in my kitchen and my house is back to the way that I like it....and expect it! I know it takes a lot of time and hard work and I do appreciate it, but I do not like being upset and at one time today I had to ask my DH where he had put my dinner 'cos he moved my mat and I couldn't find anything and I was in grave danger of fading away! I am sure my adorable little bones were sticking through my equally adorable little coat.

That is maybe a slight exaggeration, but I WAS hungry. Hee hee. I am filled up again, lying on my MH's knee and I am very, very happy.

1 comment:

  1. So pleased you are happy again.Megs is a grumpy bunny at the moment because the wind is gale force and there is high humidity with fine, very wetting rain. At least she can stay curled up inside - I'm the one who has to go out in it. Sending much care and love to you and your Humans, Michelle
