Tuesday, 30 April 2019
Another Cracker
I have had another very good day and my sun tan is coming along very well indeed. I have had a super time just lying in the long grass listening to the birdies singing to me. That made me very happy indeed.
What didn't make me just so happy was my MH taking out the lawn mower but because I knew she would like me to help her, I just followed her all over my garden finding nice warm spot to lie and watch her from and she liked knowing I was beside her.
We have all had a very good day and I am hoping the weather will be good again tomorrow because I am really liking being outside especially when my humans come outside with me so my adorable little paws are crossed for more good weather tomorrow.
Monday, 29 April 2019
More good weather
It has been another good day on my little island with lovely sunshine and just a little breeze and that has suited me very finely indeed. The old boy skipped away happily to the Cat Shop and me and my MH had a long chat before she started all her housework and I went outside to work on my sun tan. I could get to like lying in my garden in the sunshine. It is just quite brilliant.
My day was a very lazy one just nipping in and out to see if the old dear was fine and she was but later on she wasn’t very happy because she went outside to cut the grass and the lawn mower thingy wouldn’t start. Oh dear, she wasn’t pleased while yours truly was delighted, but I made sure she didn’t see me! Hee hee
My DH said he will try and fix it so I think we might be cutting the grass tomorrow. Oh joy!
Sunday, 28 April 2019
What A Day
Oh, I am a very happy little Squeak and because I have been outside nearly all of today, I am also a wee bit tired. It has been a beautiful day on my little island with warm sunshine and not very much wind so I have just kept nipping in and out of my house because my humans left the window open to let me and all the fresh air in.
I watched the birdies and I even saw some big gooses who were in the field but I didn't go too near them 'cos they are quite big. We had a visitor in this afternoon but he is the man who doesn't like puss cats.....not even an adorable one like me, so I just said a quick hello purr to him and nipped out for a while.
I had a wander all over my garden and through the fields and when I was finished, I went back and just lay down in front of my house to do some serious sunbathing!
And now I have a picture puzzle. Can you guess what is under this blanket? I don't think there will be any prizes for guessing. Hee hee
Thursday, 25 April 2019
Spoiled Puss
I have had a very good day today. The weather has been better so I have been outside quite a lot but it was when I was inside that I had the bestest of fun 'cos we had visitors in my house who thought I was adorable and that made me very happy.
There were lots of knees for me to sit on and the man human played with me and some of my toys and that was vey good. They watched me for a long time and decided that I was a very clever puss which I completely agree with. They also thought I was a spoiled puss and I'm not sure whether I should agree with that or not.
It might be wiser in this situation to say nothing, eh? Wise as well as clever and adorable!
Wednesday, 24 April 2019
More of the Same
A wee bit cold and a big bit windy so I have been inside again for nearly the whole of today with just a couple of quick runs round my garden. I wish it would warm up a wee bit 'cos there are more birdies coming to my little island and I need to be able to go outside and watch them but if I had gone out today I would have needed my wee coat on and I think said birdies might have laughed at me. Oh dear.
It was just me and my MH in my house today as my DH went away on the boat and when he comed home to us tonight he said the sea was very bouncy and that put a funny picture in my adorable little head. Me and the old dear had good fun and sat on my couch with her for a long time and I liked that lots.
We are hoping to have some visitors to my house tomorrow but it will all depend on the weather 'cos they have to come on the boat and I don't think they will like it if the sea is still bouncing, so my little paws are crossed 'cos I love it when visitors come to my house to make a big fuss of me.
I will let you know.
Tuesday, 23 April 2019
It has been a not so good day for weather 'cos it has been a bit windy and much colder so I haven't been best pleased, and I haven't been out to play very much but I have still been a happy puss 'cos my humans made sure I was kept amused.
The old dear had quite a lot of housework to do and she asked me to help her, which I did and it tooked us quite a wee while but we had lots of good fun while we were doing that and I liked it a lot.
I don't have any more news but right now I am squeezed into the couch beside my MH and my adorable little head is on her lap top and I have just heard her telling my DH that it has taken her twice as long to write this to you.
But I have no idea why! Hee hee
Monday, 22 April 2019
What A Crackin' Day
Oh boy, it has been a beautiful day on my little island and I have had the very bestest of fun being outside nearly the whole of this day. And I loved it! I was up a wee bit earlier 'cos my DH was going to the Cat Shop and I have to get up with him to make sure he is doing everything right, and the first thing I noticed was that it was calm and sunny. Yippee.
As soon as I had a wee feed I headed out into my garden where I found a lovely sunny, sheltered spot and I just lay there listening to the birdies singing for me and I was very happy indeed. I had had a very good weekend and I had lots of fun with our visitors on Saturday night and there were lots of cuddles for me which I liked. There is a special picture for you which my MH tooked after she had tidied up our house for the visitors but I decided to have a little snooze in between the layers of my cover and I was ever so comfortable....and cute.
The other picture is of me enjoying being outside and it was just one of the bestest days with lots of sun and lots of time with my MH when she was hanging out our washing or working in the garden, so now I am a wee bit tired and I am having a snooze.
But I shall be heading out again very soon.
Sunday, 21 April 2019
Happy Easter....
..... to all my friends. I hope you have had a very lovely day. I have had a good day and although it is still a bit too cool for me, I have been outside with both my humans in this afternoon when my MH decided to cut the grass again and my DH had things to do as well so I had lots of fun and lots of company.
I also had a super night last night when two of my friends comed to my house for their dinner and then when we were all sitting later on, I had lots of knees to choose from, but after I had given everyone a wee bit of my precious attention, I ended up on my favourite knee and there are no Easter egg prizes for guessing which knee that was. Yep, it was my MH’s and I falled fast asleep and I looked so cute that our visitors thought I was really adorable. Naturally!
So I have had a very good couple of days and my little weather man friend told me we are going to have a very good week, and that made me very happy indeed.
Friday, 19 April 2019
I know.......
.…..I haven't been in touch every day but I haven't been doing very much so I don't have a lot of news. I am hoping things might change soon and that means I need the weather to be a little bit warmer so that I can get out to play and my humans will be able to come outside with me so all my little paws are crossed that it will happen soon.
I keep listening to my little weather man friend hoping that he will tell me that the weather is going to be roasting hot with million of sunshine, but so far he hasn't managed that and although today was quite good, it was still a bit cool and windy on my little island so I have had lots of little trips outside and I even managed to help the old dear hang out her washing so we have had a little while outside together and I liked that.
I heard my humans talking in this evening and they were saying that we are going to have two of my friends in my house tomorrow for their dinner so I will have lots of knees to sit on 'cos both these ladies think I am very, very special (naturally!) and they will make a big fuss of me. I am so excited!
I will write to you soon but if I don't, please don't worry 'cos I will be fine but just with not very much news. OK?
Tuesday, 16 April 2019
I'm a little fed up.....
.….with this cold wind and I want it to go away and if it can't go away then can it please warm up? I was not built to be cold! Adorable puss cats like me should always be warm and I am only warm when I am in my house but as you all know, I love being outside and right now being outside makes me cold. Sigh
However, having said all that, I have had a very good day helping my MH with her housework. We had great fun working in our bedroom and as usual, we ended up playing all our games which made me very happy indeed.
But apart from telling you that I had a very good time playing with my MH I don't have any more news for you except to tell you that I am happy and also that the wind is a tiny wee bit not as awful as it was this morning so maybe I will get out to play before I go to bed.
I hope so.
Monday, 15 April 2019
Still Windy
Oh dear, it has been a very cold and windy day and this morning we thought my DH might not be able to get to the Cat Shop but he borrowed some of my intrepidness and oft he went on a rather bouncy boat. Me and my MH were glad we were in my house although we both managed to go out for a little while and got back inside before we were blowed away. It has been a not nice day.
So, because of all that, I don't have any news for you. I have spent my day just helping the old dear with her housework and having a few naps in my various sleeping places but my favourite place is still on my MH's knee and I shall be heading there shortly once I have had another wee feed.
My little weather man told me that the wind will go away later on tonight so I may need to have one of my nocturnal ramblings but I'm not going to tell my MH 'cos I want it to be a surprise for her. Well, the real reason is that if I tell her she might leave me in the living room so that I won't waken her up and I need to sleep on my bed 'cos I am very precious.
And we all know that to be true, sure we do?
Sunday, 14 April 2019
Weekend News
Well, it has been windier and colder than I would have liked so I have been a rather lazy little puss and a rather indecisive one much to my MH’s disgust. I did go out a couple of times but there were lots of times when I asked the old dear to please open the door for me, but when she did I just sat there contemplating and my constant contemplations made her a tad annoyed especially when the naughty wind was running all through my house making my humans a wee bit very cold. And I am afraid I did that lots of times over the weekend. Sorry humans.
I was also a wee bit naughty during last night’s dark time when I wakened up at three o’clock in this morning feeling full of beans and decided I might go out to play. Now, before you think I am even cleverer than I am and that I can tell the time, I only know it was that time because my poor old MH muttered “Squeak, it’s three o’ in the morning!” I got the feeling she wasn’t best pleased, but that’s OK.
I was a very thoughtful little puss and went back in after half an hour of being out in the pitch blackness that I loved and then after a wee feed and a wee drink, I snuggled up to the old dear and we had a lovely sleep until the proper getting up time.
And I was completely forgived.....as ever!
Friday, 12 April 2019
Fabulous Friday
Another very good day on my little island although just a wee bit on the cool side but nice and dry and I had lots of out to play times. My humans don't do very much at the weekend so there is always plenty of time for me and that's what happened today.
I had a wander outside as soon as I got up and listened to the birdies 'cos it always makes me very happy when I hear them singing. I wonder why pussy cats don't sing? I purr lots and quite loud my MH says but I don't meow and I certainly don't sing. I wonder what I would sound like if I did. Hee hee
As usual I got back home just in time for my little drop of milk and then I had my first snooze of the day. I have lots of snoozes in different places all over my house. Sometimes the old dear can't find me and I just watch her wandering all over the place trying to find me and then when she does, I get a big cuddle and then I start purring.....loudly!
We had lots of time outside again and my humans smiled when they watched me chasing round my garden killing all sorts of imaginary monsters until I was a bit tired and then guess what I did? Yep, I had another snooze.
We have all had our dinner and while my MH is writing this I am sitting on her lap and my adorable little head is on her computer and I am purring. So, if you hear something when you are reading this, it might be me purring.
I am a very happy little Squeak and I hope you are happy too.
Thursday, 11 April 2019
Thrilling Thursday
Another cracking day for this little puss and I have had a great time. As soon as I wakened up in this morning after having had a brilliant sleep for the whole night.....I didn't waken the old dear up to let me out throughout the dark time...… I ran to the window to see what the weather was like and when I saw that it was dry and sunny and not windy, I asked the old dear to please let me out which of course she did, and I ran all round my garden which was really good fun. When I finally sat down for a little rest I could hear some birdies chirping to me and that meant that some of them have already arrived for their holidays. Yippee!
My MH had some housework to do but she was also outside a lot 'cos she washed all my blankets and then I helped her as she hanged them out on the rope and I had a wee climb up one of the poles.... just to see if I remembered how to do it, and I did, naturally!
The old boy was busy outside as well so whenever I went out I always had company and even when we were in the house the door was left open to let all the lovely fresh air into my house so I really had a brilliant time which I just loved. I even got a long play while my MH was in the gym and I waited patiently till she had finished and we played together, just me, my MH and a big bit of pampas grass.
It has been a very good day indeed and my paws are crossed that it will be as good tomorrow.
Wednesday, 10 April 2019
Wonderful Wednesday
It was an even better day than yesterday. It was still a bit cool on this adorable little body, but it wasn't windy and it was nice and dry so I was out playing lots and lots. My DH went away to the Cat Shop as usual and me and my MH had a long chat about what we were going to do and she told me she was going to clean the outside of our windows which meant she would be outside with me and that was brilliant news.

We had a seat for a wee while and then we went outside and while she was scrubbing the windows yours truly ran all over the garden and managed to find a big bit of pampas grass which I attacked again and again until it gave in. Hee hee
It was really good fun and after we both had a wee rest, the old dear went into the gym to do more of her exercises and I went and found my bit of pampas grass which I chased again and it was just magic. It was quite surprising that me and my MH had so much energy because I am afraid I was a tad naughty in the middle of last night and I asked to be let out 'cos I wanted to see what the new cut grass felt like on my paws in the dark time but I didn't stay out too long 'cos I knew my MH was tired and needed to get back to bed. I am a very thoughtful little puss!
I hope you like today's picture. It is a cat on a box and a cat in a box and I think I look so adorable!
Tuesday, 9 April 2019
Terrific Tuesday
I have had a super day. The weather has been much better so I have been outside nearly all day and you know that always makes me a very happy Squeak but what made it even better was my humans were outside with me and that makes me double happy.
My DH is clearing out the greenhouse getting ready for our tomatoes and another competition... which I will win! Hee hee My MH comed out and I thought she was going to play with me bust instead she tooked out the lawn mower and cut all our grass to make it better for me to play on and it felt lovely and soft on my adorable little paws.
We were outside for a long time and although it was a wee bit cool, me and my MH had a brilliant time and I liked it very much but now, because I am a wee bit tired, I am lying on my MH's knee while she is writing to you and I think I might be here for a long time.
I like it here!
Monday, 8 April 2019
Magic Monday
I had a very good sleep all cosied up beside my MH until the alarm shouted to waken us all up ‘cos it was my DH’s day to go to the Cat Shop. He gets up first and then I follow him through to the kitchen to let him feed me and then when I am all filled up, I go out to play for a little while before I go back inside to help my MH get ready for the day ahead.
It was quite a fine day and although it was a tad cool on my adorable little body, I was still happy to be outside and I watched the little lambs playing in the field but I didn’t get too close in case I frightened them or in case the mummy sheeps chased me away, but I was happy just watching them.
The rest of the day was just more of the same. I helped my MH with her housework and I had lots of plays outside but they were just little plays ‘cos it was a wee bit too chilly for me and every time I went inside my MH played with me or cuddled me and that made me a very happy little puss indeed. I am now all snuggled up on her lap while she is trying to type this and she keeps making little mistakes but she says it is my fault.
But I don’t think so! Hee hee
Friday, 5 April 2019
A Very Good Day
I got a wee surprise today because my MH told me last night that she had to go to Stromness today and my DH was going to go with her so I was to be left all alone, but then her appointment got cancelled and they both stayed at home with me. Yippee! And to make it an even better day, the weather was much better and I was able to get out to play lots of times which made me very happy …..and a wee bit sleepy too!
I played for a while in my garden and had a wee word with the cows before they went away to another field and my MH tooked this picture so that you could see my lady cow friends. After that I went into the gym with the old dear and helped her little legs do their exercises and she liked that and when she was finished we played on the grass for a while and I liked that too.
So, what I thought was going to be a rotten day for me turned out to be a smashing day that I have liked very much indeed.
Wednesday, 3 April 2019
More Wind
Oh dear, what a night it was with the wind shouting at us all the time and then this morning it was still there and it had brought the rain with it so I had to stay indoors for a long time which made me a bit short tempered and that wasn't very good.
I sat on my window sill and watched the rain running down the window and as soon as it stopped I asked my MH to please let me out and I managed a very quick wander round my garden before it got too cold and I had to come back inside again. I thought we were having a bad day and then I watched my television at news time and saw all the peoples who were covered in snow and they were lots worser off then me. Mind you, I was just a teeny bit jealous that they had snow and I didn't 'cos I love playing in the snow.
Maybe it will come to my island tomorrow and I can play in it. I would like that for two reasons and one is 'cos I love it and the other is that if it snows lots here tomorrow, my MH won't be able to go away to Kirkwall on the first boat and leave me and my DH in my house and that would be good.
I shall have to see if I can find a snow dance somewhere.
Monday, 1 April 2019
A Easy Day
Just me and my MH in my house today because the old boy went away on the boat to go to the Cat Shop and we sat on my couch and had a long chat before she had to do her housework and I had to go and check up on all my animal friends which kept me busy for quite a while.
It was cold on my little island but I just kept running as fast as I could and that made me not too cold and then when I went back inside I got a big cuddle from my MH and that made me all warm again. Mr. Ram wasn't in a chatty mood today so I just left him alone and went into the field where there is a baby sheeps and I had a wee play there.
Remember I told you my friend S. comed to see us on Saturday? Well, when she was here she tooked these pictures of me when I was all cuddled up beside my MH. This is my very special place and I sit cuddled up beside her lots of times and I usually fall asleep when I am there 'cos I am so, so comfortable.
I just love sitting there and don't I look so adorable? The old dear looks not too bad either!
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