Friday 12 April 2019

Fabulous Friday

Another very good day on my little island although just a wee bit on the cool side but nice and dry and I had lots of out to play times. My humans don't do very much at the weekend so there is always plenty of time for me and that's what happened today.

I had a wander outside as soon as I got up and listened to the birdies 'cos it always makes me very happy when I hear them singing. I wonder why pussy cats don't sing? I purr lots and quite loud my MH says but I don't meow and I certainly don't sing. I wonder what I would sound like if I did. Hee hee

As usual I got back home just in time for my little drop of milk and then I had my first snooze of the day. I have lots of snoozes in different places all over my house. Sometimes the old dear can't find me and I just watch her wandering all over the place trying to find me and then when she does, I get a big cuddle and then I start purring.....loudly!

We had lots of time outside again and my humans smiled when they watched me chasing round my garden killing all sorts of imaginary monsters until I was a bit tired and then guess what I did? Yep, I had another snooze.

We have all had our dinner and while my MH is writing this I am sitting on her lap and my adorable little head is on her computer and I am purring. So, if you hear something when you are reading this, it might be me purring.

I am a very happy little Squeak and I hope you are happy too.

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