Friday 19 April 2019

I know.......

.…..I haven't been in touch every day but I haven't been doing very much so I don't have a lot of news. I am hoping things might change soon and that means I need the weather to be a little bit warmer so that I can get out to play and my humans will be able to come outside with me so all my little paws are crossed that it will happen soon.

I keep listening to my little weather man friend hoping that he will tell me that the weather is going to be roasting hot with million of sunshine, but so far he hasn't managed that and although today was quite good, it was still a bit cool and windy on my little island so I have had lots of little trips outside and I even managed to help the old dear hang out her washing so we have had a little while outside together and I liked that.

I heard my humans talking in this evening and they were saying that we are going to have two of my friends in my house tomorrow for their dinner so I will have lots of knees to sit on 'cos both these ladies think I am very, very special (naturally!) and they will make a big fuss of me. I am so excited!

I will write to you soon but if I don't, please don't worry 'cos I will be fine but just with not very much news. OK?

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